E-Commerce Modules |
Our E-Commerce Suite of modules enable you to place your product catalog online, sell products through our shopping cart module, take credit cards for online transactions, sell and redeem gift certificates, and recommend products to customers. |
Interactive Modules |
Our Interactive Modules provide the technology for you to conveniently and efficiently interact with your web site visitors by taking polls, filling out online questionnaires and contact forms, assisting your customers using a live chat interface, posting messages to each other on a message board, viewing and placing classified ads, and perusing and applying for current and upcoming job openings. |
Content Modules |
Our Content Modules allow you to publish news events and web pages, manage staff and individual bios, place your photographs online, manage upcoming and past events, saving time and money by displaying frequently answered questions, and provide and track links to your suppliers, resellers and other web sites of your choice. |
Additional Modules And Services |
Our Additional Modules allow you to track banner ad placements, permit you and your staff to communicate by e-mail, and register personal domain names. We also provide professional photography services to photograph your staff and products, marketing services to guarantee your web site is a success, and data entry services to save you the time of keeping your web site up to date. |